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Godzilla vs. Kong Review

I watched this movie a few weeks ago and having already wasted two hours of my life watching it, I initially opted not to write a review on it but I figured why the heck not. After all, this is a review blog. I was exceptionally painful to watch, and I have never been more confused watching a movie.

I was very excited to see these two Hollywood giants face off. I expected an epic battle with a good, if not decent storyline. Instead, what I got was hot trash, and a total snooze fest. The plot was nonexistent. The acting by the adults and kids was awful, and the hollow earth scene made no sense. I mean, what was that about? How were they able to breathe without protective gear and most importantly, why was the child there? None of it made sense! Thankfully Bernie, Madison, and Josh were in this film and provided us with some comic relief and not to mention saved the world for total destruction by the super monster robot created by Apex. Like I said, hot trash!

Though the CGI was spectacular, Kong received a beat down not once, but twice. He probably would’ve received a third had he not put down the ax in the end. I love the King Kong franchise but he was no match for a nuclear lizard.

I’m thankful this came out on HBOMax because I would have been very upset had I paid to see it in the theaters. Reviews on the web vary. Some people are actually giving this movie a high rating but hey, to each his own. I gave it 2 stars for the CGI.

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