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My Octopus Teacher

Visually captivating is an understatement. This documentary takes us into the secret underworld of the kelp forest in South Africa. When I started watching this film, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was completely blown away by the imagery and sheer beauty of it.

This is a story of one man and one octopus and the bond which developed between them. At first, she is fearful of him but as their relationship grew, the two would swim side by side and formed a connection like none I’ve ever seen between a man and a sea creature. This film highlights how highly intelligent these creatures are, and it was both captivating and frightening to watch as she maneuvered her way through the forest which was often very dangerous on her own.  

Kudos to Craig and his team for taking us along with them on this beautiful, yet heartbreaking story of man and creature. Craig showed tremendous poise and fearlessness by taking this journey daily on his own. His love for nature and this octopus were beautifully captured.

My Octopus Teacher is now streaming on Netflix.

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