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Review: Who Killed Sara? (Contains Spoilers)

There’s nothing more dangerous than a person with nothing to lose. This was the case with Alex Guzman who was lied to and basically coerced into taking the blame for a crime he did not commit in order to save the reputation of an affluent family. A crime for which he was told he would only spend a couple of months in jail but ended up spending 18 years of his life in prison.

This is a story of the haves and have-nots, and how the powerful use their power to manipulate, intimidate and often hurt those less powerful than they are. This is the ultimate “whodonit” crime series. Sara was Alex’s sister. A young girl who at the time of her tragic death was dating Rodolpho, the son of Cesar, a powerful businessman in Mexico. The series begins at Valle where the Lazcano’s owned a lakefront property. While the kids are on the lake, Sara puts on a new parasailing gear but unbeknownst to her, it had been sabotaged which led to her falling in the lake while several feet into the lake.

While at the hospital, doctors pronounced her dead. Fearing that his son Rodolpho would be incriminated since he put the parachute on her, Cesar basically threatened Alex that if he did not take the blame, his mom would never be able to find a new kidney. He also promised the sentence would only be for only a couple of months and he would not have to worry about money after getting out.

Now, imagine having 18 years to plot your revenge. Alex’s introduction back into society was bold for lack of a better word. He basically hacked into the Lazcano’s computer system at their casino and announced that he was back and on a mission to exact revenge on the entire family for their role in his imprisonment.


Everyone connected to Sara on the day of the tragic event starts having flashbacks leading to that moment. Seriously though, at that point, I was thinking any one of these individuals could have done it. Let’s briefly discuss the characters or possible suspects, lol.

Rodolpho Lazcano

He was Sara’s boyfriend and quite smitten by her. He’s the primary suspect in Alex’s opinion because he strapped on the harness to the parachute on Sara and failed to check whether it was damaged and probably because they were a little wasted while operating a boat.

Jose Maria Lazcano aka Chema

He was the one person in the family who was against Alex taking the blame for a crime he didn’t commit but he certainly had motive to kill her. She knew his secret and threatened to expose him the Cesar the Dictator.

Cesar Lazcano 

The patriarch of the Lazcano family and also rotten to the core. He is evil personified. Cesar considers himself a manly man but he’s actually scum of the earth. He uses the basement of his casino to traffic women from other countries and does some unimaginable things to them. In addition, he’s also a pedophile.

Mrs. Lazcano 

The matriarch of the Lazcano family and is just as rotten as her husband. She too had motive to kill Sara.


Oh Elroy! His character from childhood was troubled. The series doesn’t go too deep into his childhood and adolescence but we do learn of how he ended up living with the Lazcano’s. He was Mrs. Lazcano’s “assistant” at the time of the incident and was always around the kids. He too had a motive to kill Sara as we later learned in the series.


Okay, so approved his look for this series? I was getting Hitler vibes throughout the entire show. I believe it was the side swoop with the hair and the mustache. My concerns about him were confirmed as the series progressed because we discovered his role in Cesar’s underground business and his involvement with Sara.

The Verdict

This series a full of twists and turns, and takes you on a ride, and just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, there’s a plot twist. The ending left me confused and wanting answers. But don’t fret because season two is just around the corner. Netflix has set a release date of May 19th.

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